Jun 7, 2024 | Michael Jestadt

Is an AC Tune-Up Service Necessary?

Many homeowners wonder if they really need to service their air conditioners annually. They might think it’s okay because it looks good from the outside and works well. However, ignoring regular service can be an issue in hot places where the AC works hard because of the high temperatures. It not only causes more breakdowns but also voids your device’s warranty. In this article, we’ll discuss whether an AC tune-up service is necessary and the reasons for doing so.

Signs Your AC Needs a Tune-Up

Your AC will show some signs, which means an issue is arising. It is the time when you need to call an HVAC contractor immediately to save money. The most common issues are mentioned below:

  • Warm Air from the Unit: You may run the AC for longer hours and can’t get the desired cooling level, which wastes energy and money.
  • Leaking or Clogged Air Duct: The air we get from the device can be cool, but due to the clogging or leakage of the air duct, we may not be able to get enough air from the registers.
  • Difference in Temperature: Ensure that your AC distributes even cooling to all corners. If not, contact a local HVAC contractor to learn about factors like sunlight exposure, insulation, and leakage from the windows that affect the room’s cooling.
  • Noisy Device: If you notice any noises from the unit, mechanical issues might be inside the device.
  • Accumulation of moisture and odor: Due to leaks or poor drainage outlets, moisture can be developed, gradually leading to mold. Slowly, this leads to musty odors, which is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by the HVAC professional.

What Does an AC Tune-Up Include?

HVAC professionals will conduct general inspections to know the working condition of the system. The tasks carried out can be the following, which are common in most HVAC inspections:

  • Check for any leaks, broken parts, or loose connections.
  • Change of air filter
  • Ensure proper refrigerant levels in the device.
  • Check the thermostat for its condition and replace it if it is not working properly.
  • Check for coolant and add if its level is low.
  • Remove any existing air duct blockages
  • Clean dirt from evaporator and condenser coils
  • Test the device to ensure its smooth functioning

Reasons to Schedule AC Tune-Up Service

Head Start for Your Air Conditioner

If you last used your air conditioner a few months ago, expect it to run smoothly. So, make sure that you tune up your AC before using it every day. Give it a head start to ensure it’s ready, or you risk a breakdown or low-efficiency performance.

Involves Less Cost Than Repair

It is not sure that the AC will breakdown without maintenance, but it might malfunction. It is advisable to bear the cost of a tune-up rather than the much higher repair cost. AC tune-ups may not prevent all issues in the device, but around 50% of the repairs can be prevented by annual maintenance.

No Maintenance Can Void Warranty

New air conditioners come with a warranty provided under terms and conditions. Most must realize that the warranty applies only if the AC is regularly maintained. Some companies mention them very specifically under the “Eligibility Requirements” section or something similar. These companies are confident that well-maintained units are less likely to need a warranty.

Air Conditioner Lasts Longer With Proper Maintenance

Taking care of your air conditioner can save you money in the long run. If you neglect maintenance, your AC might not last long. Regular tune-ups can help it work better and last longer, which means you won’t have to replace it as soon. Also, it will keep your home cool and use less electricity, so you’ll save on your bills.

Increase in Efficiency and Decrease in Cooling Cost

As time goes on, your air conditioner becomes less efficient. Skipping annual maintenance makes it worse. If cleaning coils, condensating drains, and lubricating the motor parts aren’t done regularly, which are a part of the AC tune-up service, they can cause airflow problems, making your AC up to 15% less efficient.

Schedule Your AC-Tuneup Service Today

Maintaining your heating and air conditioning system is crucial for efficiency and longevity. At Smart Heating and Air Conditioning, we understand the importance of regular maintenance to ensure your system runs smoothly and saves you money on energy bills. Contact us for HVAC services and schedule an appointment today. Let’s keep your home comfortable and energy-efficient together!

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